Computer Shortcut Keys

F1 = Help
F2 = Edit
F3 = Paste Name
F4 = Repeat Last Action
F4 = While
F5 = Goto
F6 = Next Pane
F7 = Spell Check
F8 = Extend Mode
F9 = Recalculate all workbooks
F10 = Activate Menubar
F11 = New Chart
F12 = Save As

CTRL + A = Select All
CTRL + B = Bold
CTRL + C = Copy
CTRL + D = Fill Down
CTRL + F = Find
CTRL + G = Goto
CTRL + H = Replace
CTRL + I = Italic
CTRL + K = Insert Hyperlink
CTRL + O = Open
CTRL + P = Print
CTRL + R = Fill Right
CTRL + S = Save
CTRL + U = Underline
CTRL + V = Paste
CTRL + W = Close
CTRL + X = Cut
CTRL + Y = Repeat
CTRL + Z = Undo
CTRL + N = New Workbook

CTRL+F3 = Define Name
CTRL+F4 = Close
CTRL+F5 = XL, Restore Window Size
CTRL+F6 = Next Workbook Window
CTRL+F12 = File Open

CTRL+: = Insert Current Time 
CTRL+; = Insert Current Date
CTRL+" = Copy Value from Cell Above
CTRL+' = Copy Formula from Cell Above
CTRL+` = Toggle Value / Formula Display

CTRL+Shift+CTRL+~ = General Format
CTRL+Shift+CTRL+! = Comma Format
CTRL+Shift+CTRL+@ = Time Format
CTRL+Shift+CTRL+# = Date Format
CTRL+Shift+CTRL+$ = Currency Format
CTRL+Shift+CTRL+% = Percent Format

CTRL+Shift+F3 = Create name by using names of row and column labels
CTRL+Shift+F6 = Previous Window
CTRL+Shift+F12 = Print
CTRL+Shift+A = Insert argument names into formula'

ALT+Shift+F1 = New Worksheet
ALT+Down Arrow = Display Autocomplete list

Alt+= = AutoSum

ALT+F1 = Insert Chart
ALT+F2 = Save As
ALT+F4 = Exit
ALT+F11 = Visual Basic Editor

Shift+F1 = What's This?
Shift+F2 = Edit Cell Comment
Shift+F3 = Paste Function into Formula
Shift+F4 = Find Next
Shift+F5 = Find
Shift+F6 = Previous Pane
Shift+F8 = Add to selection
Shift+F9 = Calculate active worksheet
Shift+F10 = Display Shortcut Menu
Shift+F11 = New Worksheet
Shift+F12 = Save

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