Google has complex algorithms to decide the ideal crawl speed for a site. Google's objective is to crawl the maximum number of pages from a site on each visit without overpowering a server's bandwidth.
In case Google is making too many requests every second to a site and hindering a server, you can confine how quickly Google can crawl your site. The crawl rate that you choose is the maximum crawl rate that Google-bot should perform. Note that it doesn't ensure that Google-bot will hit the same crawl rate.
You can confine the crawl rate for root-level sites
—for instance, and
You can't change the crawl rate for websites that are not at the root level
—for instance,
Google advises against restricting the crawl rate except if you are seeing server load issues that are certainly effected by Google-bot hitting your server excessively hard.
How To Limit The Crawl Rate
-Open the page
- There you will find two options:-
- Let Google optimize for my site (recommended)
- Limit Google's maximum crawl rate
- Choose the second option (Limit Google's maximum crawl rate).
- And confine the crawl rate as needed. The new crawl rate will be admissible for 90 days.
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